Florida Roundtable With Melissa Foxx

Florida Roundtable

Photo: Canva Images

Florida's Most Popular Public Affairs Radio Show!

FNN’s one-hour news and public affairs program providing affiliate stations with in-depth discussions of state, national, and international events affecting the state of Florida.

Past guests include former Governor Charlie Crist, Congressman Alan Grayson, Vice President Dick Cheney, Senator Mel Martinez, Congressman Allen Boyd, ICUF President Dr. Ed Moore, former DEP Secretary Michael Sole, political analyst Rhodes Cook, and Fox News Analyst Ed Puzzuoli. Affiliate stations will be provided with quarterly issue report for use in their Public Files.

Host Melissa Foxx has been in broadcasting since the mid-1980 wearing many "hats" and handling nearly every format. She is currently the Executive Producer of "Good Morning Orlando" on NewsRadio WFLA in Orlando as well the the host of her own show "Connections" which airs each week on the station.

Since 2002, Melissa has owned and operated her own full service recording studio which, among other things, dubs Sports broadcasts into Spanish for many worldwide outlets.

Technical and clock info:

  • Length: One Hour
  • Fed Fridays at 10:06AM ET, Saturdays 5:06AM ET
  • XDS Program: "Florida Roundtable (L or R)"
  • Also available for download from FNN OnDemand
  • 6 minutes of avails for local sale

Download the broadcast clock

For more information please contact: Affiliate Relations Director Jeff Worthington - (866)-304-6397 –JeffWorthington@fnnonline.net

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